Title: Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen Author: Jazz Jennings Genre: Memoir Rating: 4 out of 5 Reviewer: Julia Before you begin to read my review, I want to tell you a few things. It's hard, in my opinion, to rate a work of nonfiction, especially when it comes to biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. When I say that I give this book a "4 out of 5", I am in no way judging Jazz's life or identity. No, I am not doing that, but rather stating how much I personally enjoyed the book. This memoir follows the life that Jazz Jennings has gone through due to her being transgender, specifically MtF (male to female). In the book, she writes about a variety of topics, including how she knew she was a girl, transitioning, being an advocate for LGBT+ youth, and more. One of the things that I liked when reading this book was that it gave me a new perspective. I really did come to understand the challenges that comes with being MtF or FtM. I mean, I think...
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